Personal Details
In addition to Scripture and Christianity, my interests include business, math, science, technology, music, and martial arts. I’ve made my career consulting, primarily in technology development.
In writing, I do my best to teach and relay Biblical Truth, often sharing perspective from my own experiences and difficulties through life. A common theme is to share, from a loving perspective, what I hope to be of help for people who are going through difficult times, and also to help clear clutter and confusion about what it really means to follow Christ.
We live in a noisy world with so many opportunities to fall into error. Most prevalent are the two ditches on either side of the road.
One ditch masquerades as Love, and ignores obedience, where the other calls itself Holiness, yet it is devoid of mercy. In my work, I attempt to put focus on the importance of the two as one and that any teaching which ignores one misses on both.